
We Make US Trademark Registration Easy

The Only US Trademark Company that Cares About Your Wallet!

  • Our SuperSearchTM

  • • Initial free consultation to understand your business and identify the appropirate trademark class(es).

    SuperSearchTM - double tiered comprehensive trademark search. Starts with a preliminary search by our trademark consultant then followed up with a more thorough search by a trademark speacialist.

    • Quick turnaround time of within 1 business day, full results explained and solution provided

    100% FREE!

  • Other US Trademark Search Companies

  • • No initial free consultation.

    • Simple preliminary database search only.

    • Long turnaround time.

    • $300 - $1000 upfront fee!

US Trademark Advantages

  • Affordable Pricing with no Hidden Fees*
    From trademark filing to registration. No other company will offer as much as we do at a flat rate. We answer all your questions, and handle responses to office actions from the trademark office - all for a competitive price. You’ll never have to worry about hourly legal charges, hidden costs, or government fees. Sometimes being predictable is a very good thing.
    * Limitations and restrictions applied. Refer to your invoice for details of what fees are included.
  • A Personal Approach
    We’ve built a reputation for friendly and attentive service. It’s why we have so many loyal customers and referrals. It starts with a free one-on-one consultation and risk analysis to ensure that your trademark can be successfully registered in the United States. A local US trademark expert will then advise you, and navigate the trademark process on your behalf. With Witmart on your side, business really can be a pleasure.

US Trademark Registration in 3 Steps

Having filed over 338,000 trademarks globally in the past two years, we are your #1 choice for US trademark registration. We streamlined the complicated trademark process into 3 simple steps. Our US trademark experts will take care of the cumbersome paperwork and correspondence with the USPTO (United States Patent & Trademark Office) for you.
SuperSearchTM Check trademark availability
File Application filed byUS trademark agent
Relax Trademark filedas soon as three days* *Limitations and conditions applied. Refer to our service policy for details.
Check trademark availability
Application filed byUS trademark agent
Trademark filed as soon as three days*
*Limitations and conditions applied. Refer to our service policy for details.

US Trademark Registration & Beyond

We proudly operate in 4 continents and 36 countries with our head-office located in Houston,Texas. Our global capabilities make it possible to offer our unique service to even markets outside of the US. What's more, we have international trademark experts in each country. This ensures that your consultant knows the ins and outs of your region, and can provide you with a seamless, stress-free experience. Global reach with local knowledge. You get the best of both worlds.

Happy Clients Worldwide

Since 2014

Latest US Trademark Certificates