
CIPO Unveils Updated Canadian Trademark Database

Create Time 2019-07-15 03:07    Views:14336

CIPO Updates Canadian Trademark Database (1).png

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) recently unveiled their updated Canadian Trademark Database (CTD) on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, during a demonstrative webinar in both French and English. 

As part of ongoing efforts to modernize and improve the trademark application process in Canada, CIPO held the webinar to showcase how the enhanced CTD will fit into the new legislative framework for Canadian trademarks. 

Since introducing the major changes to Canadian trademark law on June 17, 2019, CIPO has been taking feedback from major stakeholders in the trademark community on how to best incorporate said changes into the online trademark database in Canada. Based on suggestions from trademark lawyers, agents, and other key service providers, CIPO elected to include the following improvements to the CTD:

  • Overall, the entire trademark search engine functionality has been cleaned up. The search fields now all appear on one cohesive page, making it easier to navigate from the user point of view.

  • Under the types of trademark section, all of the new types of trademarks introduced alongside the new Canadian trademark law are now listed — allowing for more comprehensive search results. 

  • Within the new types of trademarks section, search results will now include motion trademark displays to help users better distinguish any potential marks with a high risk of rejection based on any likelihood of confusion. 

  • Information is now easier to search for due to improved measures like truncated wild card searches, which empower users to more easily access necessary trademark data. 

Currently, the CTD gets updated weekly every Wednesday to include new trademark applications and any status changes made to pending or registered trademarks already included within the database. CIPO announced during the webinar their plans to improve this timeline and incorporate updates on a 24-48 hour basis in future.

For more information about trademarks and other breaking news stories, keep an eye on our industry news platform and trademark blog for future updates.

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