Create Time 2019-05-28 11:05 Views:20106
Witmart was thrilled to join over 25,000 attendees, 3,750 CEOs, and 900 journalists from some 125 countries all gathered at the Enercare Centre in downtown Toronto last week in celebration of the best and brightest technological innovations of 2019 at the fifth annual Collision Conference.
“As the fastest-growing tech conference in North America, Collision provided an incredible opportunity for us to network with hundreds of entrepreneurs, startups and even well-established companies from all over the world, including many from the Greater Toronto Area,” said Kristine Kuepfer, of Witmart business development.
“We got to meet and hear some very influential people, including Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Christiana Figueres, Timberland, Akon and so many more,” Kuepfer added.
Stacked as the guest speaker list was, the sheer volume of amazing companies exhibiting their technologies was enough to impress. “It was incredible to be a part of such a huge movement, surrounded by like-minded individuals and inspirational innovators,” said Michelle Mendes, Witmart trademark specialist. “I learned so much, and met so many talented people who I’m eager to stay connected with to help them protect their brands,” Mendes added.
The technology industry presents a unique challenge from a brand protection standpoint, given the speed of innovation and the threat of counterfeits, so-called “legal” knockoff products and other blatant infringements. The sad truth is, without registered, legally protected intellectual property assets, many businesses run the risk of infringement.
“Intellectual property protection is critical to the development of innovation,” said Kuepfer. The long-term success of any given technology depends on protecting what’s new and proprietary about it. After all, “without trademark, patent or industrial design protection, businesses and inventors lose the full benefit and value of their brand.”
Fortunately, Witmart is equipped to help tech-based businesses, startups and entrepreneurs protect their intellectual property in all major jurisdictions worldwide — a feat that would be impossible without some impressive technological innovations of our own.
Traditionally, only IP lawyers and law firms were consulted on matters of trademark registration and patent filing. Since the advent of new technologies, designed to standardize and streamline the search and application processes, alternative modes of legal intellectual property services have emerged.
In a recent article, Ranjan Narula, Founder of RNA Technology and IP Attorneys of India said that alternative legal service providers (ALSPs) bridge a gap in the intellectual property industry that traditional firms cannot. “They have their own edge on how they manage problems, and they have broader capabilities as far as tech knowledge goes,” Narula said.
Taking a look at the latest World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) Indicators Report, over 9.1 million trademarks were filed worldwide in 2017 alone. Patent filings reached 3.17 million globally. With numbers that high “the legal industry isn’t geared up to take this on,” Narula added.
That’s not to say that ALSPs like Witmart are replacing traditional law firms. In fact, we’re looking to collaborate and fill gaps to look out for businesses trying to protect their brands in affordable, accessible ways. That’s the beauty of technology as a great unifier — and how Witmart finds its edge.
Want to explore your brand protection options to stay competitive in the tech space? Give our trademark specialists a call at 1-855-497-7273 or visit to learn more.
Disclaimer: This website is not intended to offer legal advice or to be a substitute for a consultation on a case-by-case basis with an attorney. The information provided above is meant for informational purposes only and may be subject to change.
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